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8/24/2016 3:20:00 PMTrouble viewing this email? Click here August 23, 2016 2016 Wisconsin Fall Hunting and Trapping Forecast now availableMADISON - Many fall hunting and trapping seasons in Wisconsin are just around the corner, and the 2016 Fall Hunting and Trapping Forecast [PDF] is now available. - ...
8/24/2016 3:15:00 PMJuly/August 2016 • Volume 45, Number 7/8 The Next Supreme Court Justice Scott PruittAttorney General, State of Oklahoma Scott Pruitt was elected Attorney General of Oklahoma in 2010. Prior to that, he served for eight years in the Oklahoma State Senate. A past...
8/24/2016 3:15:00 PMAre you interested in outdoor recreation in Wisconsin? Do you have thoughts about what is currently available and what's most needed? Complete a recently released survey on outdoor recreation in Wisconsin. Information generated from the survey will be used to develop the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation P...
8/24/2016 3:15:00 PMhttp://dnr.wi.gov/news/releases/ Madison - The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Snapshot Wisconsin project is expanding and needs volunteers to help collect wildlife photos in Iron, Jackson, Manitowoc and Waupaca Counties. Snapshot Wisconsin is a citizen science effort to capture images of all types of wildlife that inhabit our state...
8/24/2016 3:10:00 PMWisconsin Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Report summary for August 11, 2016 Complete DNR Outdoor Report (Reports from conservation wardens, wildlife and fisheries staff and property managers from around the state) Bumper blackberry crop has bear cubs healthy; bucks should soon start shedding velvet; warblers begin southern mig...
8/24/2016 3:10:00 PMPhoto by Andrew Horton/USFWS WATCH FOOTAGE OF ONE OF WISCONSIN'S RAREST BIRDS See the legs of this speedy little shorebird blur as they scurry along the sandy beaches of Lake Superior, and learn how the Natural Heritage Conservation Program and partners are helping to protect and monitor the federally e...
8/18/2016 10:15:00 AMAugust 16, 2016 2016 Gold Seal Awards contest underwayVisitors can vote for their favorite state park property in 10 different categoriesMADISON - Which Wisconsin state park is the best to visit in every season of the year? Which offers the best backpacking campsites? Those are among the categories for the 2016 Fr...
8/18/2016 10:15:00 AMSPORTSMANS GARAGE SALE TOM’S GUNS AUGUST 18-19-20 &nb...
8/18/2016 10:15:00 AMTO SIGN UP--Contact Julie at tomsguns@gmail.com or call 608-655-3772 Learn to Hunt Hunters LTH waterfowl is open only to ages 10-15 , These hunters have not previously participated in a Learn to Hunt event for waterfowl. No hunter education certification is required., DNR waives the state license, stamp and application fees for Learn to Hunt hu...
8/18/2016 10:10:00 AMI am sending out this message on behalf of Adam Nickel (Winnebago SystemGamefish Biologist, please direct any questions to Adam:Wisconsin DNR Fisheries staff, with support from local fishing clubs andconservation clubs, recently implanted sonic transmitters into 15 yearlingGreat Lakes spotted muskellunge that were released into Winnebago Systemwate...
8/18/2016 10:05:00 AMHORICON, Wis. - Head to Horicon Marsh in August and take advantage of fun(and free) activities, including a Wild Women Workshop and monarch butterflytagging.* Aug. 23, 10-11 a.m. - Explore Bow HuntingThis event is perfect for kids in fourth grade and above who are interestedin bow hunting. Attendees will l...
8/18/2016 10:05:00 AMComplete DNR Outdoor Report (Reports from conservation wardens, wildlife and fisheries staff and property managers from around the state) Warm weather and warm water slow some fishing, but action remained good in some areas; Perseid meteor shower this weekend Apart from the beginning of the week and end of last weekend, when storms mov...
8/18/2016 10:00:00 AM
8/11/2016 4:20:00 PM8/11/16 - Reported by AAA Sports If you don't mind the heat then the fish are still out there to catch. More anglers are using crankbaits, spoons, and spinners rather than minnows because the heat makes it difficult to keep the minnows fresh. Leeches are still being used in all sizes. Walleye on Shell lake have been...
8/11/2016 4:10:00 PMGreat Egret represents a classic comeback story In 1916, the United States and Canada signed the Migratory Bird Treaty to protect birds across state and national borders. To celebrate 100 years of bird conservation, each month will feature a native Wisconsin bird species that has benefitted from the protection and cooperative conservat...
8/10/2016 2:35:00 PMSteve Suman This week’s numerous weather forecasts are about as fickle and inconsistent as... this summer’s weather! One predicts sunshine and blue skies as most likely, while another warns of possible severe storms (again) Wednesday night. Maybe the folks marketing weather rocks a “few” years ago were onto something ...
8/10/2016 2:35:00 PMNew Partnership Supports AFSP's Project 2025 Goal to Reduce the Annual Suicide Rate 20 Percent by 2025 NEW YORK, N.Y. - A new partnership between theAmerican Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the nation's largest suicide prevention organization, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation®(NSSF®), the trade ...
8/10/2016 2:30:00 PMEligible hunters with an interest in participating in the 2016 gun deer hunt for hunters with disabilities are encouraged to contact a land sponsor and sign up for a hunt before the Sept. 1 hunter participation deadline. As of the June 1 sponsor application deadline, 75 landowners have enrolled nearly 77,000 acre...
8/10/2016 2:30:00 PMMigratory game bird hunters are reminded that Sept. 1 marks the opener for Wisconsin’s mourning dove, early teal and early goose hunting seasons. To view a full list of waterfowl hunting seasons and the 2016 Migratory Game Bird Regulations, search keyword “waterfowl.” For more information regarding G...
8/10/2016 2:25:00 PMOn Wisconsin Outdoors sends a trophy-class thank you to everyone who hoofed their way to Deer Fest at the Washington County Fairgrounds last weekend. We had a fantastic time giving out copies of the paper and meeting a host of like-minded hunters. There were more than enough displays and vendors on the grounds to make a tangled cedar swamp s...
8/10/2016 2:25:00 PMLead service line replacement program expands to cover 38 communitiesMADISON - A first-of-its kind program to replace lead service lines on qualifying private properties is being expanded to ensure funds are available for all 38 communities that requested assistance through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. - Read Full Article Se...
8/10/2016 1:30:00 PMComplete DNR Outdoor Report (Reports from conservation wardens, wildlife and fisheries staff and property managers from around the state) While changes in temperature and moisture brought about a slight drop in angling pressure, it may have given the mosquito population a large upper hand once again. Intermittent rain, followed by heat...
8/10/2016 1:20:00 PMMADISON -- The rebuild of Y-16 69kV transmission line may result in the "incidental taking" of a rare snake under an authorization the Department of Natural Resources proposes to issue for the project. Incidental take refers to the unintentional loss of individual endangered or threatened animals or plants that does not put the overall population o...
8/10/2016 1:20:00 PMEmpowered Dream Hunts Inc. Fundraiser Thursday, August 25th, 2016 11 a.m-8 p.m. Stage Stop Family Restaurant, Mosinee Please come to Stage Stop Family Restaurant on August 25th, 2016 between 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. and enjoy a meal. A donation will be made to Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. by Stage Stop in the amount of 20% of total sales. Funds will go to...
8/8/2016 8:25:00 PMWelcome to Warden Wire's periodic feature highlighting frequently asked questions. Today's FAQs were taken by the DNR Call Center, the Department of Natural Resources' conservation wardens and the Bureau of Wildlife Management. This is Part Three of a series of questions and answers which focus on a voluntary...