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9/20/2017 8:50:00 AMBy Brent T. Wheat The first thing you want to do after mounting your new thermal weapon sight is go out and sight in. Rush to the range with an armful of traditional targets, however, and you may be disappointed. A selection of targets (top to bottom): visible, White Hot pallet, “Rain” palette Because thermal imagers detect, amplif...
9/20/2017 8:45:00 AMMADISON--County Deer Advisory Councils (CDACs) are about to finalize the deer population objectives and deer management unit boundary change recommendations that will influence the 2018-2020 deer seasons. Final recommendations will be made at meetings scheduled in each county between Oct. 2-12. Population objectives are expressed as managing to in...
9/20/2017 7:40:00 AMSeptember 18, 2017 Steve Suman The forecast for this week is less than encouraging in some respects, with chances for rain and thunderstorms, but with mild to warm temperatures for mid-September. Follow your plan, go prepared, watch the sky – and remember that “sometimes” forecasts miss the mark. “Fall col...
9/20/2017 7:35:00 AMMADISON - Fall hunting seasons are underway and as you gather your gear and plan your trip into the field or woods, be sure to add a read of the 2017 Fall Hunting and Trapping Forecast [PDF] to your list of things to do. The Fall 2017 Hunting and Trapping Forecast is now available at dnr.wi.gov, keyword "forecast."Photo Credit...
9/20/2017 7:35:00 AMMADISON -- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Administrator Jon King is urging Wisconsin hunters to beat the 1 in 20 chances of falling from a tree stand by wearing body harnesses climbing up -- and down-- when the archery and crossbow deer season opens Saturday, September 16. King says he understands hunters wanting to en...
9/20/2017 7:35:00 AMTake a step back in time at Marsh Haven Nature Center during the weekend of September 22-24. The annual Fall Living History Festival welcomes re-enactors and artisans who will share their role in history and skills from the past. Tents and tipis will be set up for the encampment weekend at Marsh Haven Nature Center, W10145 High...
9/20/2017 7:30:00 AMMADISON - With the start of the 2017 deer hunting seasons, the Department of Natural Resources is kicking off its ninth annual Deer Hunter Wildlife Survey, a survey where hunters can record their observations of deer and other wildlife while hunting. Survey results help track population trends for Wisconsin's deer herd and other wildlife. Hu...
9/20/2017 7:20:00 AMA lot of hunters will be going out in the woods this weekend for the numerous season openers, including the archery and crossbow deer, fall turkey, Canada goose, ruffed grouse, cottontail rabbit and squirrel. Many areas of the state are reporting a great crop of acorns, hickory nuts and walnuts. These foods will help deer, turkey, black bears and m...
9/20/2017 7:05:00 AMNEW Zink Calls Green Head Rocker double-reed duck call brings mallards down slow an’ easy Port Clinton, OH (September 12, 2017) – The double-reed duck call has been a hunter-favorite for well over a half a century. Why? Because double-reeds are generally easier to use than single reeds, typically requiring less inflection and tone co...
9/11/2017 2:35:00 PMWildlife Services confirmed that wolves killed a Walker Hound on 09/07/17. The attack occurred in the Town of Draper, Sawyer County. More information and a caution-area map are available on the gray wolf webpage. Hunters are reminded to use the caution-area maps on the DNR website (dnr.wi.gov, keyword "wolf depredation") to h...
9/11/2017 2:35:00 PMThe following date-regulated lakes are opening to wild rice harvest for the 2017 season: Oneida County Gary Lake, opens September 11th Big Lake Thoroughfare, September 11th For further information on harvesting wild rice, licensing, rules and regulations, common questions and answers, or to watch a short video on the tools and tec...
9/11/2017 2:35:00 PMMISSOULA, Mont.—The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation announced today the initiation of a search committee to find a replacement for David Allen, RMEF’s President and CEO, whose contract expires in August 2018. ‘RMEF has flourished under David’s leadership for the past ten years and there is no question that he is leaving RMEF ...
9/8/2017 11:55:00 AMNew ScentLok Nexus Carbon Active Weight apparel eases hunters’ warm weather odor worries Muskegon, MI (August, 2017) – Wandering the woods during the weeks and months prior to bow season is a necessity. Fine-tuning stand and blind sites, scouting scrapes, trimming shooting lanes and tending to cameras are critical tasks that h...
9/8/2017 11:55:00 AMNew super lightweight, fully adjustable Tenzing TX 9.3 Lumbar Pack affords unrestricted upper-body mobility Plano, IL (September 6, 2017) – The undisputed choice of archers and horseback hunters, lumbar-style hunting packs combine the load-carrying capabilities of a traditional backpack with the enhanced upper-body mobility of a...
9/8/2017 11:15:00 AMRarely talked about in walleye world, fluorocarbon line can make or break a limit By David A. RoseLook up the definition of “fickle” and you’ll find: likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability; casually changeable. And this makes that one word the perfect depiction for walleyes. Despite their ...
9/8/2017 11:10:00 AMEvery Hunt Should be This Rewarding New Bloodsport website makes hunting for information on arrows and broadheads fast and easy TARPON SPRINGS, FL (September 1, 2017) – When an opportunity presents itself, a bow hunter’s preparation, practice and gear conspire in a moment of truth to determine the outcome. Decisions and actions are ...
9/8/2017 10:55:00 AMMADISON - The Department of Natural Resources is seeking nominations through October 15 for individuals with experience and interest to fill the angling representative position on the Sporting Heritage Council. The council, established by 2011 Wis. Act 168, advises Gov. Scott Walker, the Natural Resources Board, and the state legisla...
9/8/2017 10:55:00 AMLandbirds waxing as shorebirds waning Ah, September, the month second only to May on most birders’ calendars. Peak migration, birds coming, birds going. The month when every day lends promise of new birds, when every oriole you see may be the last, and you marvel at species you haven’t seen since spring. This year&rsquo...
9/8/2017 10:55:00 AMLeaves started dramatically turning colors in the Northwoods this week. There is still mostly green in the woods, but the change has begun with red colors becoming noticeable in tree canopies and sumac bushes. The Wisconsin Department of Tourism has begun its Fall Color Report (exit DNR). Water levels are normal to a little higher ...
9/8/2017 10:45:00 AMNSSF and SAAMI Provide Guidance on Dealing with Submerged Guns and Ammunition NEWTOWN, Conn. — Firearms owners who have seen their guns and stored ammunition submerged by flood waters in storm-wracked areas are probably wondering if their firearms and ammunition can be salvaged and sa...
9/8/2017 10:45:00 AMDNR Warden World, Part Two: Missing child, wayward waddlers, Parks & COPS camp Welcome to Part Two of Warden Wire's highlights of spring and summer work performed by your Wis. Department of Natural Resources conservation wardens. Part Two starts with a feathery tale involving a duck with a steely stare, a well-meaning ...
9/8/2017 10:40:00 AMSpring and summer have been jamming for the Wis. Department of Natural Resources Conservation Warden Service. Warden Wire has compiled some highlights for you, and we've put them into two parts. Water rescues, sturgeon saves, teamwork cases and more are in today's edition. Read on: http://dnr.wi.gov/t...
9/8/2017 10:40:00 AMMADISON-Early in September, County Deer Advisory Councils will provide preliminary recommendations on county deer population objectives for the next three years and potential changes to Deer Management Unit (DMU) boundaries for online public review and comment. The online public comment period regarding these recommendations will begin...
9/8/2017 10:35:00 AMThe following date-regulated lakes are opening to wild rice harvest for the 2017 season: Bayfield County Totogatic Lake, opening September 3rd, closed September 4th, opens September 5th Forest County Riley Lake (Indian Lake), opening September 7th Wabikon Lake, opening September 7th Washburn County Rice Lake, opening Sept...
9/8/2017 10:35:00 AMMike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, and their team are excited to return to Wisconsin! They plan to film episodes of the hit series AMERICAN PICKERS throughout the region in October 2017! AMERICAN PICKERS is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique ‘picking’ on History. The hit show follows Mike and Frank, two o...