Outdoor News
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2/28/2022 8:25:00 AMDay 6 was another slow day for the sturgeon spearing season, but it was quite a day for big fish. The total harvest for Lake Winnebago was 47 fish, 27 of which were adult females, bringing the harvest total for Lake Winnebago to 673 fish (100 juvenile females, 312 adult females and 261 males). The Stockbridge registration station continues to see...
2/28/2022 8:25:00 AMNEWS RELEASE: Three Snowmobile Related Fatalities Over Weekend 02/14/2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 14, 2022Contact: DNR Office of CommunicationsDNRPress@wisconsin.gov Three Snowmobile Related Fatalities Over Weekend Think Smart B...
2/28/2022 8:25:00 AMDay 9 of the sturgeon spearing season was a slow harvest day with only 46 fish harvested. This is most likely due to the high wind gusts around Lake Winnebago. Of the 46 fish harvested, 6 were juvenile females, 23 adult females and 17 were males.This brings the total on Lake Winnebago to 874 fish. Spearers have harvested a total of 1,223 fish on th...
2/28/2022 8:20:00 AMMADISON, Wis. – The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced it will refund the $10 application fee to customers who applied for a wolf harvest permit or preference point for the Fall 2021 wolf harvest season. The department will restore all customer's wolf preference point records to their Fall 2021 pre-application sta...
2/28/2022 8:20:00 AMWisconsin is home to over 300 species of birds and thousands of birding enthusiasts. Explore the links below for information on birds, bird identification, birding locations and how to get involved in conservation efforts. Sign up to receive the latest birding reports and other bird news here. Birding Report Find Birds Report A Bird B...
2/28/2022 8:20:00 AMWisconsin Trail Report 2022 As spring approaches, so do the ever-changing conditions of the shoulder season. The Wisconsin Trail Report will serve as an important resource helping prepare trail users for their hiking or biking adventures. Now is the tim...
2/14/2022 5:15:00 PMOn the second day of the 2022 spearing season, there were 285 fish speared. Although conditions were better today, the decrease in harvest is likely due to fewer spearers taking to the ice. This season, the Wisconsin DNR sold 12,693 sturgeon spearing licenses – 480 for the Upriver Lakes and t...
2/14/2022 5:15:00 PMThink Smart Before You Start: Make Safety A Part Of Your Ride MADISON, Wis. – Following a deadly weekend of snowmobiling, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges the public to be safe while out on the trails. Since the start of the new year, there have been 10 snowmobile fatalities with one additiona...
2/14/2022 5:10:00 PMFall Sport Show August 26-28 Eau Claire Wisconsin
2/14/2022 5:10:00 PMOSHKOSH, Wis. – A giant among Wisconsin’s inland fresh water fishes, the bottom‐dwelling lake sturgeon is a living fossil – a relic from the Middle Ages of fish evolution. The Winnebago system is home to one of the largest lake sturgeon populations in North America and is one of only two locations where lake sturgeon can be h...
2/14/2022 5:10:00 PM...
2/14/2022 5:10:00 PMTickets NOW Available for the Wisconsin Dells Open Season Sportsman's Expo The Open Season Sportsman’s Expo will is excited to return to the Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in Wisconsin Dells, WI for an outdoorsmen's paradise weekend! Friday, March 25th - Sunday, March 27th, 202...
2/14/2022 5:05:00 PM01/31/2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Jan. 31, 2022 Contact: Kevin Olson, DNR Community Financial Assistance SpecialistKevin.Olson@wisconsin.gov or 608-234-2238 DNR Seeki...
2/14/2022 5:05:00 PMFebruary 7, 2022 Steve Suman According the current forecast, we have a weird weather week ahead! Lows range from -5 to 31 degrees, and highs from low 20s to 36 degrees. Some stiff winds return, with top end in the mid-20s. All that and “maybe” some sunshine on a couple days, too. Considering this is early February in the North...
2/4/2022 10:50:00 AMBy John Crump. Feb 1, 2022 Congressional Representative Michael Cloud (R-TX) and 51 other Republican Congress members recently sent a letter (embedded below), to ATF questioning the Bureau's growing database of personal information about American's gun purchases. "We are concerned that this Administration is leveraging its power ...
2/4/2022 10:50:00 AMWater clarity is the strongest predictor of lake sturgeon harvest success on the Winnebago System (Figure 1; Line Graph). Several factors play a role in what the water clarity looks like leading up to the sturgeon spearing season; however, the main factor is ice conditions. Figure 1. ...
2/4/2022 10:50:00 AMPlease join us!13th Annual WI Sport Show - Spring Edition March 18, 19 and 20, 2022 Chippewa Valley Expo Center Eau Claire, WisconsinThis year's event features: · Wisconsin Buck and Bear Club Trophy Scoring · ...
2/4/2022 10:50:00 AMMADISON, Wis. — The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host a virtual media briefing on the upcoming sturgeon spearing season at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022. The department will provide the most recent license numbers, water clarity information and a general overview of the upcoming season, which opens Saturday, F...
2/1/2022 4:00:00 PMIce Fishing For Dinner Class Virtual Sessions on Zoom: Wednesday & Thursday Feb. 16 - 17, 2022 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Fishing at Lake Wingra at Wingra Park: Saturday, Feb. 19 8:30 a.m. – Noon This three-session class for adults begins on Zoom and will prepare you for ice fishing with members of the UW-Madison Ice Fishing...
2/1/2022 3:55:00 PMRemember These Tips For IceAnd Snowmobile Safety Winter is in full swing. Anglers are enjoying ice fishing throughout the state and hikers, skiers and snowmobilers are traveling across frozen surfaces. Remember – no ice is safe ice. The DNR does not monitor ice conditions and we suggest contacting local snowmobile clubs, bait shops, fishing...
2/1/2022 3:55:00 PM
2/1/2022 3:50:00 PMBe a DNR FiN'tern - A Great Summer Opportunity The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will continue its participation in the State of Wisconsin Student Diversity Internship Program (SWSDIP). The Fishing in the Neighborhood Internship (FiN’tern) is one of many great opportunities offered by the department. We hope to hi...
2/1/2022 3:50:00 PMThe 2022 sturgeon spearing season on the Winnebago system opens on Feb. 12 and will run for a maximum of 16 days or until any one of the harvest caps is met. As anticipation for the season mounts, spearers need to be aware of important information for the 2022 season: Registration stations will be located at the same locations as last year. Sta...
2/1/2022 3:50:00 PMMADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced it will host a virtual Chronic Wasting Disease Response Plan Committee meeting on Thursday, Feb. 3 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The DNR’s 15-year CWD Response Plan, in effect through 2025, helps guide the department’s approach to addre...
2/1/2022 3:50:00 PMMADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that starting tomorrow, Feb. 1, fire management crews will conduct prescribed burns on DNR properties throughout the state. The first prescribed burns of the season will be held Feb. 1 at Horicon Marsh Wildlife Area in southeast Wisconsin. Forecasted wea...