Outdoor News
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11/11/2015 1:20:00 PMThe Natural Resources Board approved the Beaver Management Plan at their October 28th meeting in Madison! After many meetings, webinars, more meetings, surveys and even more meetings, the Beaver Task Force assisted the Department with creating a solid, balanced management plan for the future. The Beaver Task Force is comprised of 24 different...
11/11/2015 1:20:00 PMMISSOULA, Mont.—The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation recently topped $1 billion in the cumulative value of its on-the-ground conservation efforts. “This is an incredible milestone and testament to many people over a lot of years who are dedicated to ensuring the future of elk, elk habitat and conservation,” said David Allen, RME...
11/11/2015 1:15:00 PMAward: $500 plus associated benefits. (Two available.) Eligibility: Open to under-graduate or graduate students enrolled in a Wisconsin-based college or university with an interest in outdoor recreational communication. Application Deadline: January 15, 2016 To apply: Students must submit three items: (1) cover letter,...
11/11/2015 1:15:00 PMWarm temperatures are sticking around this fall encouraging outdoor participation. With that said the fishing and hunting continue to be hot. Fishing remains very good with musky and walleyes taking the center stage. Most of the action has come from deeper water in the 8 to 12 foot range with some fish holding even deeper. The ...
11/11/2015 1:10:00 PMNovember 9, 2015 Steve Suman Monday and Tuesday appear to be “the” days to take care of outside projects and recreational interests this week, though according to the extended forecast, this Saturday through Tuesday next week looks promising. Grab the most from every available mild and sunny day – this time of year, they are all...
11/11/2015 1:10:00 PMMADISON – The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) invites media professionals to join 68th Alice in Dairyland, Teyanna Loether, and Dodge County students as Loether cuts down a Christmas tree Friday, Nov. 13, 11 a.m., at Propst Christmas Trees, N6796 Thompson Rd., Beaver Dam. Dodge County area...
11/11/2015 1:05:00 PMBig saugers like the one Mike Yurk is holding are too big to keep but they are fun to catch. Mike Yurk bassinmajor@yahoo.com The fish slammed my bait. It hit hard enough I probably didn’t need to set the hook but I did anyway out of instinct. My spinning rod was doubled over as the fish took off. “I’m going to need the n...
11/11/2015 1:05:00 PMNovember 9, 2015. Muskie Expo is proud to announce that due to explosive growth, the 2016 Muskie Expo Milwaukee will be held at a brand new location on February 12-14, 2016. Located a short 30 minutes north of Milwaukee on Highway 45, at Exit 65, the Washington County Fairgrounds and Convention Center, located in West Bend, WI, ...
11/10/2015 9:15:00 AM2015 was one for the record books for Kirtland's warblers in Wisconsin. Photo credit: Ashley Hannah Best Kirtland’s warbler season yet Wisconsin recorded the most successful breeding season yet for the federally endangered Kirtland’s warbler since the birds were first confirmed nesting in the state in 2008. Among th...
11/10/2015 9:15:00 AMOctober 21, 2015. Muskie Expo is proud to announce that the 2016 Muskie Expo Milwaukee will be held at a brand new location, February 12-14, 2016. Located just 20 minutes north of Milwaukee on Highway 45, the Washington County Fairgrounds and Convention Center, in West Bend, WI, will offer an additional 10,000 square feet of exhibition...
11/10/2015 9:15:00 AMMembers-Only Login | Join NSSF November 9, 2015 Vol. 16 No. 45 Hunters' Donations of Venison = 11 Million Meals Annually, hunters generously donate enough game meat to provide 11 million meals to people in need. The venison donations provide a valuable source of prote...
11/10/2015 9:10:00 AMToday marks the first of Warden Wire's special edition of Frequently Asked Questions dedicated to the 2015 Gun-Deer Season. Today's questions focus on e-registration and were taken by DNR conservation wardens and wildlife managers, as well as by the DNR Call Center. The Call Center is staffed daily, 7 a.m. - ...
11/10/2015 9:00:00 AMGetting Aggressive at First Ice The first ice period can produce some of the best ice fishing opportunities of the entire season. Some of the biggest fish of the season, and some of the greatest numbers show up at this time. I believe that there are a couple of different reasons for this activity. One being that these fish are at...
11/10/2015 8:55:00 AMBy Jim Olsson This is only my opinion based on countless days in the field in pursuit of big bucks. As we move deeper into the rut things become more and more intense, for us and the deer. There are definitely does being bred now, just as certainly as there are some that aren't ready. There are some bucks that are chasing and there are some that a...
11/10/2015 8:50:00 AMhttp://dnr.wi.gov/news/releases/article/?id=3769 MADISON, Wis. -- An expanded early trout season that opens Jan. 2 will give Wisconsin anglers one more reason to love winter. While ice fishing will still rule the day on most inland waters, rivers and streams with strong groundwater flows should be...
11/5/2015 9:10:00 AMNovember 2, 2015 Hayward Lakes Area Outdoor Report Steve Suman While the forecast mentions chances of rain (and snow) throughout the week, this IS November in the North Woods so it is hard to complain about highs in the 60s (at least through mid-week)! Many hunting seasons are now underway, but fall also offers excellent fishing for anglers who ...
11/5/2015 9:05:00 AMRHINELANDER, Wis. - Trappers who incidentally capture bobcats in 12 northern counties are encouraged to contact Department of Natural Resources staff and participate in a bobcat research project. The bobcat monitoring project began in early 2014 and seeks to better understand populations and habitat preferences of Wisconsin bobcat. "Trappers...
11/4/2015 8:00:00 PMPosted on 11-2-2015: Wisconsin Natural Resources Board September brief of action. Briefs of action are summaries of motions and votes at each Board meeting.
11/4/2015 7:55:00 PMHORICON, Wis. - Winter may be on its way, but the excitement stays hot atHoricon Marsh all year round. Visit the Horicon Marsh Education and VisitorCenter's<http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/lands/wildlifeareas/horicon/education.html> newExplorium<http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/lands/documents/horicon/explorium.pdf> orjoin Department of Natural Resource...
11/1/2015 10:50:00 AMOver 100 citizen-scientists counted 29,000 bats this summer, helping to expand our understanding of summer bat populations in WI. Check out this infographic showing the results. BUILD A BAT HOUSE.BREAK A WORLD RECORD? This week is International Bat Week! You can help people across the country break a wo...
11/1/2015 10:35:00 AMhttp://dnr.wi.gov/news/releases/article/?id=3761 The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board Wednesday authorized a public hearing for two rule packages that modify the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program. The proposed rule revisions provide a path forward to address differences between federal and state requiremen...
11/1/2015 10:35:00 AMWisconsin Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Report summary for October 29, 2015 Complete DNR Outdoor Report (Reports from conservation wardens, wildlife and fisheries staff and property managers from around the state) Whitetail bucks entering rutting period; recent rains may draw trout and salmon up Lake Michigan tributaries Fal...
10/28/2015 5:05:00 PMDNR takes steps to restore more Wisconsin waterwaysMADISON -- Wisconsin's surface water quality is good and improving in many areas, thanks to limits on wastewater dischargers and new approaches for controlling urban and rural runoff. - Read Full Article Natural Resources Board to meet October 28 in MadisonMADISON - Request to hold public hea...
10/28/2015 5:05:00 PMTip #28: That amazing, unbelievable online rental ad? Beware. As always, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. If you are looking online for a rental property and find an unreal deal, be very, very cautious. Scammers use information from real estate listings to post fraudulent apartment or home rental ads on Craigslist an...
10/28/2015 5:05:00 PMThe Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin has awarded $7,856 to sevenWisconsin schools through a 2015 Teachers Outdoor Environmental EducationFund<http://www.wisconservation.org/how-we-work/teachers-fund/> grant. TheTeachers' Outdoors program awards grants to projects focused on outdoorenvironmental education. The 2015 recipients' project...