Outdoor News
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10/20/2017 9:30:00 AMStatewide Birding Report Despite the warm weather, shorter day length has birds on the move. Winter arrivals this week included the first northern shrikes, snow buntings, white-winged crossbills, and common redpolls. Red crossbills are widespread in low densities, while pine siskins are showing in good numbers statewide. Birders found more rough-l...
10/20/2017 9:00:00 AMLuke from Anglers All reports: Fall is definitely here. We have had a beautiful autumn week in the Chequamegon Bay Area. Local rivers are coming down. There should also be some good mudlines forming up out in the lake for those looking to troll. Fishing the edges of those mudlines can be very productive. Some of the best trolling o...
10/20/2017 9:00:00 AMHunters reported birds but few good opportunities in the Marshall area during the seventh annual Governor’s Pheasant Hunt today. The Marshall area, known for its pheasant habitat and hunter and dog-friendly lodging, hosted Gov. Dayton, Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, and hundreds of guests. 153 hunters harvested 28 roosters during the morning hun...
10/20/2017 8:55:00 AM* What's new for the 2017 deer hunt?[PDF]<http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/hunt/documents/2017whats_new.pdf> * Deer 2017 Pocket Guide[PDF]<http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/hunt/documents/2017MP_pocket_guide.pdf> * Where can you find a place to hunt?[PDF]<http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/hunt/documents/2017...
10/20/2017 8:55:00 AMWe helped raise over $70,000 for Joshua, a sick 14-year-old volunteer firefighter, and he could certainly use your help as well! Joshua Brennan of New York was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left-Heart Syndr...
10/20/2017 8:50:00 AMLooking at the forecast for this week, we can expect a sunny and dry week. Temperatures during the day will be in the high 50’s, but by the weekend, we will see daytime temperatures in the 70’s. The colors have reached their full peak, and with this week’s sunny forecast, now is an excellent time to get out and enjoy the weather! ...
10/20/2017 8:50:00 AMOctober 16, 2017 Steve Suman The forecast for this week (at least until the weekend) shows near-perfect fall weather for just about any outdoor activity. Cool nights and highs in the mid to upper 60s is about as good as it gets! Take advantage now – or play “woulda, coulda, shoulda” in what will probably be the too-near fu...
10/20/2017 8:50:00 AMPublished - October 17, 2017 by the Central Office Oct. 31 deadline to buy sturgeon spearing licenses Southeastern Wisconsin group wins volunteer award for Chiwaukee Prairie work Natural Resources Board to meet October 25 in Madison Deer breeding season is about to begin, drivers reminded to be cautious throughout October...
10/13/2017 2:25:00 PMWell a little rain and some cooler temperatures really makes a difference. The walleye bite is getting better and better by the day as well as the action for muskies really turning on. Water temperatures have finally fallen to the mid 50 degree range and should continue that downward slope as we head further into fall. Deer hunt...
10/13/2017 2:20:00 PMAttention Wisconsin Writers! Send your best work to Wisconsin's largest and longest-running writing contests, hosted by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters. Contest winners in both the fiction and poetry categories receive awards of $500 to $100, publication in Wisconsin People & Ideasmagazine, and a reading at the ...
10/13/2017 2:20:00 PMMADISON - Trappers who incidentally capture wolves are encouraged to contactdepartment staff and participate in Wisconsin's wolf collaring andmonitoring program."Tracking collared wolves is a critical component of Wisconsin's wolfmonitoring program. Trappers can help improve the quality of Department ofNatural Resources wolf population data b...
10/13/2017 2:15:00 PMDon't forget to visit our Root River spawning facility during our Open House this Saturday! Root River - On Saturday, Oct. 14, enjoy the ninth annual Salmon Spectacular from 9 a.m. to 3 p. m. at the DNR Root River Steelhead Facility in Lincoln Park in Racine, 2200 Domanik Dr. The open house w...
10/13/2017 2:15:00 PMWeekly NewsPublished - October 10, 2017 by the Central Office Stocking advances spotted musky reintroduction project in Green Bay October public meetings will gather feedback regarding outdoor recreation in Wisconsin Wisconsin has a lot to celebrate during Forest Products Week Updated 2016-17 Wisconsin wildlife reports now available ...
10/13/2017 2:10:00 PMJoe Petrucelli (L), Owner of Tri-County Sporting Goods, presenting check for $70,000 to Joshua Brennan and his family (C) with Anthony Imperato (R), President of Henry Repeating Arms. BAYONNE, NJ, October 9, 2017– Henry Repeating Arms of Bayonne, NJ and Rice Lake, WI designed 54 custom Henry Lever Action Octagon rifles to help raise funds ...
10/13/2017 2:10:00 PMNEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms industry, is pleased to announce the release of an all-new “Range Safety and Etiquette” video. Designed to provide guidance for firearms use on shooting ranges both indoors and outdoors, the video is availa...
10/10/2017 3:15:00 PMStatement from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI): Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families and loved ones of all those killed and injured in the criminal attack in Las Vegas. The manufactur...
10/10/2017 3:15:00 PMMinden, LA - Mister Twister's NEW 12" Mag 12 BUZZ Worm is a large profile, big bass worm with a tail designed to provide maximum action and vibration while fishing structure. The latest addition to Mister Twister’s bass fishing line-up works great for targeting bass on structure such as ledges, reeds and brush piles in dee...
10/10/2017 3:15:00 PMThe Club 400 Bar and Grill located at 322 Williams Street in Waukesha was sold on Friday, October 6th. Dan (Pokey) Pokwinski sold the club to JWL Global, owned and managed by James W. Lindenberg. Pokwinski has been the owner of the club since 1981. The Club 400 is rich with history. The site was first establi...
10/10/2017 3:00:00 PMThe leaves are starting to drop, the air is starting to crisp, and we can almost smell the fresh apple pie. That can only mean hunting season is just around the corner. Are you ready?Our lineup of hunting rifles and shotguns have you co...
10/10/2017 2:55:00 PMStatewide Birding Report Land birds continue to headline the migration scene, fully dominated now by the short-distance migrants like sparrows, blackbirds, robins, and kinglets. Most birdwatchers across the state have had their first bittersweet sighting of dark-eyed juncos. White-throated sparrows are numerous statewide with some white-crowned an...
10/10/2017 2:55:00 PMAgenda items 2.B.4. and 5.C.1. have been linked to the October meeting agenda of the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board.
10/10/2017 2:55:00 PMDue to the threat of inclement weather on Saturday, Oct. 7, the MacKenzie Fall Festival has been rescheduled to Sunday, Oct. 8. Outdoor enthusiasts and lovers of fall foliage are encouraged to visit the MacKenzie Center Oct. 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the 2017 MacKenzie Center Fall Festival. This family friendly event will give...
10/6/2017 8:00:00 AMWeekly NewsPublished - October 3, 2017 by the Central Office 2017 Wisconsin ring-necked pheasant season opens Oct. 14 Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas Releases Third-Season Findings Record number of piping plovers nest in Wisconsin A reminder to Hunters regarding changes to the tagging of deer and turkey How hunters can help reduce sprea...
10/6/2017 7:55:00 AMWildlife Services confirmed that wolves depredated a Bluetick hound on 10/01/17. The attack occurred in the Town of Blaine, Burnett County. More information and a caution-area map are available on the gray wolf webpage. Hunters are reminded to use the caution-area maps on the DNR website (dnr.wi.gov, keyword "wolf depred...
10/6/2017 7:55:00 AMSurvey half over: See the gainers, the decliners, the steady eddies and the cutest baby birds Thanks to more than 1,400 volunteers, the 3rd season of the 5-year Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas survey is a wrap. See which new species have been confirmed since the previous survey 20 years ago, which species m...