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12/21/2015 11:35:00 AMJohn Luthens When I was young, my parents would pile me and my brother into the car and drive into the northern forests of Barron County to pick pine boughs for making Christmas wreaths. It was a seasonal ritual, running wild and free in the woods. The forest that we haunted stretched along a river bottom. There were stands of balsam to become los...
12/21/2015 11:35:00 AMYou are subscribed to receive updates regarding the agendas and minutes of meetings for the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. This information has recently been updated with the following: Rules & Resolutions Committee meeting minutes Bear Committee meeting minutes Wolf Committee meeting minutes 10-Year Fish & Wildli...
12/21/2015 11:35:00 AM14th annual Rabbits Unlimited Rabbit Hunt and Fundraiser is Feb. 6 (SAUKVILLE, WISCONSIN) – Organizers of the 14th annual Rabbits Unlimited Rabbit Hunt and Fundraiser are seeking hunting and outdoor-related items for donation to the event’s raffle and auctions. Hosted by the Bell families in the Saukville area, the annual event raises...
12/21/2015 11:30:00 AMhttp://dnr.wi.gov/news/releases/article/?id=3807 MADISON, Wis. - Following evaluation of how fires are reported and considering the age and condition of the state's network of fire towers, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is implementing plans to remove the towers from service. In addition, the department will begin making changes to...
12/21/2015 11:30:00 AMMADISON - Whether you need a guide to plan your Wisconsin winter or astocking stuffer for the outdoor enthusiast in your life, the second editionof the Public Access Lands atlas is the perfect fit."The holiday season is a good time to enjoy the outdoors with family andfriends. The PAL atlas will give you some great ideas of places you candi...
12/21/2015 11:20:00 AMMISSOULA, Mont.—Nearly 87,000 people attended the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s inaugural 10-day Hunter & Outdoor Christmas Exposition, presented by Cabelas, Dec. 3-12 in Las Vegas. “We are extremely pleased with the entire show,” said Steve Decker, RMEF vice president of Marketing. “It is by far the largest...
12/21/2015 11:20:00 AMSpawned from the Madison Fishing Expo Madison- WI: The Wisconsin Fishing Expo(WFE) was spawned from the Madison Fishing Expo(MFE) and will have all the things anglers have come to expect from the MFE, and bring a variety of new vendors, speakers, and attractions for 2016! There’s no question that anglers can be confident that they will see ...
12/15/2015 8:00:00 PMSteve Suman The forecast for this week includes mentions of snow nearly every day and temperatures ranging from highs in the upper 30s to lows eventually pushing single digits. That said, the forecasts seem to change on nearly an hourly basis! It appears, for this week anyway, it might be a good idea to keep at hand a mix of clothing types to cove...
12/15/2015 8:00:00 PMFree lottery helps landowners learn what lives on their landMADISON - Landowners can once again enter a lottery to obtain a free customized report from Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Conservation program to discover what unique plants and animals may live on their land. - Read Full Article DNR surface water management grant ...
12/15/2015 8:00:00 PMPosted on 12-15-2015: Wisconsin Natural Resources Board October brief of action. Briefs of action are summaries of motions and votes at each Board meeting.
12/15/2015 7:55:00 PMMilwaukee, WI - It is almost time for Muskie Expo Chicago, coming in January, from the 8th-10th, 2016 at the Sears Centre Arena, located right on I-90. Muskie Expo is the largest show dedicated to the sport of Muskie fishing and the Chicago Expo is looking to be the biggest yet! With the hands-on fishing clinics, the lure-building...
12/15/2015 7:55:00 PMMembers-Only Login | Join NSSF December 14, 2015 Vol. 16 No. 50 Give the Gift of Safety this Holiday Season Safe storage is the number one way to help reduce firearms accidents and unauthorized access. Join the thousands of industry partners who support Project C...
12/10/2015 10:40:00 AMMADISON, Wis. - An emergency rule governing the lake trout harvest in LakeSuperior gained approval Wednesday from the Wisconsin Natural ResourcesBoard.The rule, which includes a daily bag limit of three lake trout in keyrecreational areas, was developed through extensive public input includingan online survey, two public meetings this fall as well ...
12/10/2015 10:40:00 AMMADISON, Wis. - An emergency rule governing the lake trout harvest in LakeSuperior gained approval Wednesday from the Wisconsin Natural ResourcesBoard.The rule, which includes a daily bag limit of three lake trout in keyrecreational areas, was developed through extensive public input includingan online survey, two public meetings this fall as well ...
12/10/2015 10:35:00 AM2015 aerial surveys show Wisconsin’s eagle population soars to new record RHINELANDER - Wisconsin's eagle population continues to soar, with statewide aerial surveys in 2015 documenting a record number since the surveys started 43 years ago, according to the Wisconsin Bald Eagle and Osprey Nest Surveys 2015 report [PDF] released earlier ...
12/10/2015 10:35:00 AMDear Pheasant Hunter, Here in Kansas, we’re excited to report great conditions across the state have laid the foundation for an excellent pheasant season. As a result, our biologists report that farmers are seeing more pheasants than they have in y...
12/10/2015 10:35:00 AMThe start of something big From Alaska to Wisconsin, these eggs helped hatch a Wisconsin recovery program that restored one of North America's most majestic birds to Wisconsin skies, and resulted in the oldest individual bird on the continent. Find the rest of the story and other conservation success sto...
12/10/2015 10:35:00 AMThe Natural Resources Foundation recently received a $15,000 grant from theJohn C. Bock Foundation to control invasive species within the KettleMoraine Oak Opening State Natural Area (SNA) in Jefferson and Walworthcounties. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' SNA crew in theregion will use the funds, which were disbursed in November, to ...
12/10/2015 10:30:00 AM12-8-2015: the following item has been posted on the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board December agenda: 5.B.2: 2015 Wisconsin Nine-day Gun Deer Hunt – Postseason Report
12/10/2015 10:10:00 AMSteve Suman The unusually mild December weather persists in the North Woods, with highs in the 40s and lows in the low 30s this week, and a few chances of snow. A look at the extended forecast shows temperatures in a slow decline throughout the remainder of the month. If any undone, pre-winter outdoor projects remain, you might want to tackle them...
12/10/2015 10:05:00 AM12-4-2015: this item has been updated on the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board December agenda: List of tour attendees and public appearances
12/10/2015 10:05:00 AMWe want to take a moment this holiday season to thank all of our tackle loaner site hosts for making gear available to beginners. Groups, both large and small, and individuals have had access to a variety of equipment - spincasting, spinning, fly fishing, ice fishing and other support materials at more than 50 loaner sites around the...
12/10/2015 10:05:00 AMDates are set for this coming winter's Fishing for Dinner classes in Milwaukee and Madison. Find out more and sign up to learn how catch and cook your dinner, or help teach others. http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/fishing/FishingforDinner/index.html
12/10/2015 10:00:00 AM
12/10/2015 10:00:00 AMWell this warm weather certainly isn’t helping the ice fishermen any. And as a matter of fact it didn’t do much good for the deer hunters the past few weeks either. With warmer than normal temperatures in our area right now ice fishermen are on a stand-by until things cool down and we get a good freeze-up. Ice starting form...