Outdoor News
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5/18/2016 1:05:00 PMMembers-Only Login | Join NSSF May 16, 2016 Vol. 17 No. 19 Don't Risk Your Rights: #GUNVOTE in 2016 THE POWER OF #GUNVOTE . . . Candidates for political office who fail to support hunting and the shooting sports will not win the votes of American sportsmen. That ...
5/18/2016 1:05:00 PMMADISON – Those interested in learning more about bears in Wisconsin are reminded to join Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources experts for an online chat Thursday, May 19 at noon.DNR staff will be on hand to answer questions ranging from homeowner tips to avoid bear conflicts to habitat and behavior. Visit dnr.wi.gov<http://...
5/18/2016 1:05:00 PMPOYNETTE, Wis. - School groups from throughout Wisconsin will join WisconsinDepartment of Natural Resources staff at the MacKenzieCenter<http://dnr.wi.gov/education/mackenzie/> May 18-19 for the thirdannual Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Expo.The Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Expo gives fifth and sixth gradestudents an oppo...
5/18/2016 1:05:00 PMVisit http://dnr.wi.gov/wnrmag/for more info!
5/18/2016 1:00:00 PMWelcome to Warden Wire's periodic feature, FAQs: Special Edition. These special edition FAQs are dedicated to carcass tags and were taken by the DNR Call Center, the Department of Natural Resources' conservation wardens and the Bureau of Wildlife Management. The Call Center is staffed daily, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m., and ...
5/18/2016 12:45:00 PMAngler Education for Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/fishing/anglereducation/ The fishing season has opened and you have friends who have never bought a license or wet a line? Here's your chance to show them what they've been missing! Ta...
5/18/2016 12:45:00 PMBy John Luthens John Luthens displays a Lake Winnebago crappie to the only other member of his fish club. The green waves of Lake Winnebago broke upon an unpredictable, Wisconsin spring. It was an election year, so perhaps it was to be expected. The wind refused to be pinned down to a straight-line direction, hurling from the northwest and swit...
5/18/2016 12:40:00 PMClinics and Learning Opportunities for Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. Planning for Free Fishing Weekend, June 4 - 5, 2016 is underway! Check out the clinics being hosted around the state by civic groups, fishing clubs and DNR staff. http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/fi...
5/13/2016 10:25:00 AMWisconsin Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Report summary for May12, 2016 Complete DNR Outdoor Report (Reports from conservation wardens, wildlife and fisheries staff and property managers from around the state) Unseasonably warm temperatures greet anglers on opening weekend of inland game fish season; rains reduce statewide fir...
5/13/2016 10:20:00 AMWhite-nose syndrome spreads in Wisconsin; Volunteers needed for summer bat counts and surveys Published by Central Office May 10, 2016 Contact(s): Owen Boyle, DNR species management section chief, 608-266-5244 MADISON - Winter 2016 bat survey results found that white-nose syndrome has spread to new bat hibernating sites in Wi...
5/13/2016 10:10:00 AM5/11/16- Reported by Jim Stroede Guide Service Fishing around Washburn County has gone into full swing with last weekends opener. Most folks have been focusing on either walleyes or crappies and both have been bitting. Crappies are beginning to move into shallow water in preparation of the spawn. Shallow bays with wood or wee...
5/13/2016 10:10:00 AMCome TALK TURKEYS with the best! Come learn about TURKEYS, Avian decoys and Zink calls from The Elite Avian/Zink team members- Josh Grossenbacher - 2015 World Turkey Calling Champion and Brett Berry, known for hunting with his famous Wild Turkey Hunting Dogs. Come hear how it's done. Shawn Dickey-NWTF, Regional Oh...
5/11/2016 12:35:00 PMMay 10, 2016 White-nose syndrome spreads in Wisconsin; Volunteers needed for summer bat counts and surveysMADISON - Winter 2016 bat survey results found that white-nose syndrome has spread to new bat hibernating sites in Wisconsin and is starting to decimate bat populations. - Read Full Article Anglers, boaters play key role in preventing th...
5/11/2016 12:35:00 PMThe Lake Michigan Outdoor Fishing Report has been updated with current fishing information. Please visit - http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Fishing/lakemichigan/OutdoorReport.html to view this latest information.
5/11/2016 12:30:00 PMThe Root River Steelhead Facility webpage has been updated with the latest fishing information from the Root River. Fishing effort on the river has decreased this week do to higher water temperatures and the spring steelhead spawning run is over so this will be the last report until fall. Please visit the page for this updated informati...
5/11/2016 12:30:00 PMGYPSY MOTH AERIAL SPRAYING UPDATE – May 10, 2016 WHAT: Gypsy moth aerial spraying by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection’s Gypsy Moth Slow the Spread (STS) Program. The STS aerial program for 2016 consists of 86 treatment sites, involving approximately 240,000 acres in 19 counties, mostly in...
5/11/2016 12:30:00 PMhttp://dnr.wi.gov/news/releases/article/?id=3956 STURGEON BAY -- The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is seeking public input as it develops a specific rule to better protect spawning whitefish in northern Lake Michigan and potentially modify commercial fishing zone whitefish allocation or zone structure to better reflect current whitefis...
5/11/2016 12:20:00 PMSMALL GAME* Sharp-tailed Grouse Harvest & Hunter Survey,2015<http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/WildlifeHabitat/documents/reports/sharpgrouhar.pdf>;* Summer Wildlife Inquiry,2015<http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/WildlifeHabitat/documents/reports/summerwl_inq.pdf>; and*  ...
5/11/2016 12:20:00 PMInterested in becoming an elk monitoring volunteer this summer? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is currently recruiting volunteers to conduct trail camera monitoring near Black River Falls and Clam Lake this summer. These cameras were deployed in 2015, and volunteers are needed to help maintain the camera grid. This projec...
5/11/2016 12:20:00 PMMembers-Only Login | Join NSSF May 9, 2016 Vol. 17 No. 18 NSSF Industry Summit a Month Away JOIN US IN PITTSBURGH JUNE 6-8 . . . Dynamic speakers, thought-provoking discussions and groundbreaking research. This year's Industry Summit will have it all. Join us in ...
5/11/2016 12:15:00 PMAs a young boy, Horicon Marsh was this magical place far, far away. It was so far, that my dad had to sleep over night the entire weekend. I had never seen it, and I only heard my dad relay his adventures of his hunts. When he drove into the driveway on Sunday night, I would run out to the car to see what waterfowl he had shot. That was...
5/11/2016 12:15:00 PMWisconsin DNR is in the process of developing a specific rule to better protect spawning whitefish in northern Lake Michigan and to potentially modify commercial fishing zone whitefish allocation or zone structure to better reflect current whitefish abundance and distribution. The goal of the meeting is to discuss potential changes and gathe...
5/11/2016 12:15:00 PMThe May agenda has changed. Items 5A1 and 5B2 have been added. Background information for agenda item 5.A.1 is now linked
5/11/2016 12:15:00 PM~ Fishing guides from Anglers All, 715/682-5754, report the following: This report is about the Ashland side of Chequamegon Bay. The high winds and heavy rain from last week have dissipated, leaving behind much calmer, somewhat clearer waters. Water temperatures in the bay right now are probably in the low 40s, estimated Carolyn Swart...
5/11/2016 12:10:00 PMYou really couldn’t beat the weather for the 2016 opening fishing season over this last weekend, Friday before the opener we noticed a larger then normal number of anglers that had taken the day off and enjoyed the almost 90 degree day on the water for some panfishing, Saturday saw cooler temps and some wind but for the anglers that fought th...