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Dick Ellis Blog:
Black, minority Trump supporters censored by Gannett, other media at 2020 RNC Convention. Expect the same as Milwaukee hosts 2024 RNC Convention. Look back four years Wisconsin, to compare and contrast Gannett’s corrupt coverage of the 2020 Republican and Democratic National Conventions to know what to expect July 15-18 when the nation’s eyes rest on Milwaukee, home of the 2024 RNC convention.  The DNC will showcase its conventi...
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Waukesha Truck Accessory store and service, truck bed covers, hitches, latter racks, truck caps

Waukesha Truck Accessory store and service, truck bed covers, hitches, latter racks, truck caps


Waukesha Truck Accessory store and service, truck bed covers, hitches, latter racks, truck caps



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Wisconsin Deer Hunting

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  • 12/22/2013 1:05:00 PM
    By Jim Olsson I'm not sure where to even start. As I sit here writing this I'm wondering about the dismal results of the 2013 gun deer season and what the newly passed crossbow bill will do to even further divide the ranks of hunters who venture afield each year. Only time will tell but here is my two cents. Crossbows I am neutral on my position...
  • 12/17/2013 2:25:00 PM
    Fencerows By John Luthens Christmas put me in an impatient mood when I was a boy.  I knew it was coming when, somewhere around deer hunting season, the town put up the holiday lights and Bing Crosby started on the radio.  It appeared on the distant horizon like the smoke from a red-sleighed freight train but never seemed to get ...
  • 12/13/2013 6:55:00 PM
    MADISON - In response to Federal Court Judge Crabb’s decision today reaffirming that night hunting of deer is not a treaty right of the Chippewa Tribes, Department of Natural Resources Secretary Cathy Stepp has issued the following statement: The department has received Judge Crabb’s final judgment. We will spend the ne...
  • 12/11/2013 8:50:00 PM
    Mike Hart For the past 16 years, the Hart family has been taking to the woods of Adams County in hopes of taking down a big buck or two during the hunting season.  Fortunately, this this year has been quite a success for our group. During the peak of the rut in Archery season, Brother Tom scored on a beautiful 10 pointer on Nove...
  • 12/11/2013 7:45:00 PM
    We have sold 1853 resident and 11 nonresident wolf licenses.  Zones 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6  are closed.  Only zone 3 remains open.  We have harvested 221 wolves as follows: Zone Count Quota 1 77 76 2 29 28 3 39 71 4 12 12 ...
  • 12/7/2013 3:55:00 PM
    Northern Wisconsin Outfitters12-5-2013 I have a few Muzzle Loader hunters pulling in on Friday all week.  Due to the snow storm the deer have been hunkered down and moving very little. We have so much snow here I have not been able to get to some of my favorite deer stands. Unfortunately I will not be able to get to some of my trail...
  • 12/6/2013 5:30:00 PM
    We have sold 1853 resident and 11 nonresident wolf licenses.  Zones 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6  are closed.  Only zone 3 remains open. We have harvested 219 wolves as follows: Zone Count Quota 1 77 76 2 29 28 3 37 71 4 12 12 5 ...
  • 12/5/2013 6:20:00 PM
    Chris Blank with a nice night bite walleye Hooksetters Guide Phil Schweik with a nice night bite walleye Ice fishing has arrived and with 3 to 5 inches of ice on many area lakes you can be assured that anglers are heading out. The bite has been fantastic for walleyes, especially during low light periods and after dark. Most...
  • 12/5/2013 6:10:00 PM
    December 3, 2013 Wisconsin wraps up 162nd nine day deer season with another batch of warm memories amongst cold temperaturesMADISON – Though temperatures plummeted and winds blew for the first half of the season, hunters rose to the occasion and headed out to enjoy the traditions of the nine-day deer hunt.   -  Read Full ...
  • 12/5/2013 6:05:00 PM
    Warden Blotter: Deer can make an entrance, night flight for cows, injured hawk gets a lift, fishing & hunt cases Eau Claire and Clark counties Warden Scott Thiede of Eau Claire was on his way to a complaint about a deer crashing through the window of an Eau Claire Hotel when informed the deer left the room through the broken window. Within a ...
  • 12/5/2013 6:00:00 PM
    We have sold 1851 resident and 11 nonresident wolf licenses.  Zones 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6  are closed.  Only zone 3 remains open. We have harvested 216 wolves as follows: Zone Count Quota 1 77 76 2 29 28 3 34 71 4 12 12 5 33 ...
  • 12/5/2013 5:55:00 PM
  • 12/5/2013 5:50:00 PM
    The Advantages of hi-tech  scouting. Jim Ellis shares what he ‘sees’ when scouting a new deer stand recently.  The trail cam reveals not only deer but turkey and coyotes as well.
  • 12/5/2013 5:40:00 PM
    By Ami Pavletich I have been a deer hunter for 5 years and had never once even seen a deer while hunting. After last year, my Dad said we’ll try a new spot next year. Opening day this year would be in hunting public land in Washington County. Opening morning was 18 degrees, windy and cold. We’d be using a TC muzzleloader between us an...
  • 12/5/2013 5:40:00 PM
    We sat beneath the branches of an oak deadfall that had crashed along the field edge in a lightning storm.  The sun sank into the tree line.  Hundreds of geese trumpeted and soared down in tightening circles, dropping into the picked corn with their honking echoing through our blind. My son and I watched the spectacle in the last hour of...
  • 11/27/2013 8:55:00 PM
    By: By Joanne M. Haas Warden Brad Dahlquist Opening day of the 2014 gun-deer season was the first with snow and bitter cold for Conservation Warden Brad Dahlquist of Forest County. Dahlquist, who has been serving the people of Forest County in northeastern Wisconsin for more than five years, at daybreak predicted the strong winds and harsh t...
  • 11/27/2013 8:55:00 PM
    [EDITOR'S ADVISORY: An opening day telebriefing featuring DNR wildlife, law enforcement and other staff on the opening day of the 2013 Wisconsin gun deer season is available in mp3 format on by searching for "" on the DNR website.] MADISON – Temperatures dipping down to 5 degrees at sunrise an...
  • 11/27/2013 8:40:00 PM
    Brother to brother, or friend to friend, a lot of us communicate with others in other hunting camps during the archery or gun seasons  to get the stories of kills and misses. This one came into our camp in Vilas County from brother, Steve Ellis, hunting in Iron County. “I was on my lone wolf 20 minutes before shooting hours in an area w...
  • 11/27/2013 8:30:00 PM
    There has been no change in the number of wolf harvests  There was an increase of 1 in the # of resident licenses sold. We have sold 1848 resident and 11 nonresident wolf licenses.  Zones 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6  are closed.  Only zone 3 remains open. We have harvested 213 wolves as follows: Zone Count Quota ...
  • 11/27/2013 8:30:00 PM
    November 25, 2013 [EDITOR'S ADVISORY: Due to the Nov. 28, 2013 Thanksgiving holiday, the Wisconsin DNR Weekly News is being issued on Monday this week.] Preliminary opening weekend results show enthusiasm is high, though temperatures as well as harvest numbers came in lowMADISON – Though opening weekend temperatures were cold...
  • 11/24/2013 9:25:00 PM
    Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Report summary for November 21, 2013 Complete DNR Outdoor Report (Reports from conservation wardens, wildlife and fisheries staff and property managers from around the state) Rut continues as Wisconsin's traditional gun deer season set to open this Saturday, Nov. 23 Wisconsin’s...
  • 11/24/2013 9:25:00 PM
    A safe hunt is a good hunt!  Part of my annual hunting tradition is to refresh myself with the four basic rules of firearm safety. I hope that you will do the same. I use the acronym “TAB-K” to help me remember. That stands for: T (Treat every firearm as if it is loaded) A (Always point the muzzle in a safe direction) B...
  • 11/24/2013 9:20:00 PM
    November 21, 2013 Welcome to the Warden Wire feature launched during last year's gun-deer season -- the special edition series of Frequently Asked Questions dealing specifically with hunting. The FAQs: Special Edition - Fall Hunt is a periodic feature. Today is the seventh installment of these special edition FAQs taken by the&...
  • 11/21/2013 10:25:00 AM
    By: Joanne M. Haas/Bureau of Law Enforcement They’re known as the Deer Dumpsters. The Fall Creek Technical Education Class and the two carcass boxes they built. And this handy collaborative answer from a community team led by DNR Conservation Warden Ken Thomson is aimed at helping to prevent the littering of deer carcasses in Eau Clair...
  • 11/21/2013 10:20:00 AM
    Get your pre-season questions answered live – join online chats with DNR experts this week. Tuesday, Nov. 19, Noon: Be ready - Gearing up for the season Learn what DNR staff and other hunters preparing for the season are seeing in the field now, and what you can expect for the 2013 season. Wednesday, Nov. 20, Noon: Be knowledgeabl...