Wetland mitigation banks proposed in Marathon County and Monroe County
May 9, 2013
Contact(s): Pam Schense 608-266-9266; Sally Gallagher 608-264-6260
MADISON – Proposals to restore two degraded wetlands to create two separate “wetland mitigation banks” in Monroe and Marathon counties are currently under Department of Natural Resources review and the public has until May 23, 2013, to comment on the permit applications.
Under state law, a bank sponsor may restore wetlands to sell “credits” to people applying for permits to fill wetlands. State law now requires wetland impacts authorized under a DNR wetland individual permit to offset the wetland loss; people may be able to fulfill this legal obligation by purchasing these credits.
H.G. Randall Wetland Mitigation Bank
This mitigation bank is proposed by Howard G. Randall. It calls for a single bank site currently comprised of 24.42 acres of degraded and farmed wetlands and upland buffer in the Town of Tomah, Monroe County.
The mitigation bank plan proposes to restore and enhance 21.57 acres to wet-mesic prairie wetland and enhance 2.85 acres of surrounding upland to a prairie meadow. Construction is planned to begin in spring 2013. The site will be monitored and managed for at least 5 years after construction is done. The mitigation bank plan projects that the bank site will yield a maximum of 22.28 wetland mitigation credits.
Star Wetland Mitigation Bank
This mitigation bank is proposed by Gary W. Starzinski. It calls for a single bank site currently comprised of 32.2 acres of degraded and farmed wetlands and upland buffer in the Town of Cassell, Marathon County.
The mitigation bank plan proposes to restore and enhance 26.53 acres to fresh wet meadow wetland and enhance 4.17 acres of surrounding upland to prairie meadow. Construction is planned to begin in the spring 2013. The site will be monitored and managed for at least 5 years after construction is done. The mitigation bank plan projects that the bank site will yield 27.57 wetland mitigation credits.
All questions, comments, or requests for more information about the H.G. Randall Wetland Mitigation Bank or the Star Wetland Mitigation Bank should be directed to Pam Schense, DNR Wetland Mitigation Coordinator, at (608) 266-9266 or pamela.schense@wisconsin.gov
DNR will consider any comments regarding the H.G. Randall Wetland Mitigation Bank and the Star Wetland Mitigation Bank plan received before May 23, 2013.