Lake Michigan Fisheries Forum meeting October 12
Hello interested stakeholders,
Our next meeting of the Lake Michigan Fisheries Forum will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2013 at Lakeshore Technical College. I hope you make this meeting to join in our discussion of important Lake Michigan fisheries issues.
At this meeting, we will be discussing our chinook salmon stocking strategy along with presentations by Lake Michigan scientists on the Lake Michigan food web and sea lamprey control. So mark your calendars so you don't forget to attend this important meeting.
For more information, contact me (Brad Eggold) at 414-382-7921 or by e-mail at
Lake Michigan Fisheries Forum Meeting
12 October, 2013
Wells Fargo Room, Lakeshore Technical College
Cleveland, WI
- 0830 Coffee & Bakery
- 0850 Welcome, Introductions and Agenda Review
- 0905 Salmon stocking allocation strategies and discussion – Brad Eggold, WI DNR
- 1015 Break
- 1035 Salmon stocking discussion wrap-up
- 1200 Lunch
- 1300 Impacts of Zebra and Quagga Mussels on the Lake Michigan Food Web –
Harvey Bootsma, UWM - 1340 Break
- 1400 Effectiveness of Lamprey Control in Lake Michigan – Michael Fodale, USFWS
- 1440 Lake Michigan Issues and Discussion
- 1530 Identification of topics for next meeting