Lake Geneva 8/10/20 through 8/17/20
Smallmouth bass are in the 20-25 ft depth range off of weed points. The best location has been by the Military Academy or by Fontana. The best approach has been lindy rigging nightcrawlers or jumbo leeches. Drop shot anglers are also catching quality fish.
Largemouth bass remain in the deeper water from 20 ft down to 30 ft. You want to check the weed points or little changes in the weedline. Most of the success is coming either dragging a nightcrawler or Carolina rigging green pumpkin 6 inch lizards. When Carolina rigging Lake Geneva, I prefer a ½ oz sinker and a 24 inch leader, if I’m fishing less than 20 ft of water. Anything over 20 ft, I switch to a ¾ oz sinker and a 24 inch leader. Early morning and evening top water action can still be effective. You want to find the emergent weeds, which is difficult to find on Geneva, but they are there. Look for these spots by the Military Academy or by Linn Pier.
Northern Pike fishing has been steady. The fish are in 35 ft of water tight to bottom. They can be caught by lindy rigging suckers or chubs if you can find them. I continue to use a ¾ oz walking sinker with a 24 inch leader. The best location has been in Fontana Beach or off of Maytag Point.
Lake Trout fishing continues to be good. The fish are still in the main lake basin in front of Williams Bay. Look for them 90-100 ft down in 112-120 ft of water. Dodger and Flies have been producing most of the fish. You want to use a small nickel dodger with a green or purple fly.
Walleye fishing has been very good at night. Last week, some real hogs were caught. The best time to fish for them is midnight to 3 a.m. Most of the success is coming off of large Rapalas trolled straight behind the boat. A little wind also helps. The best location is by Abbey Springs or Yerkes Observatory.
Bluegill fishing has been very good in 18-20 ft of water. The best location has been by Elgin Club or in Geneva Bay. You want to use leaf worms fished on a split shot right on bottom.
Good luck and I hope to see you on the water. For guide parties, please call Dave Duwe at 608-883-2050