Ashland County Fishing Report
Fishing Report May 7, 2019
Carolyn from Anglers All reports: Trollers are flat lining stickbaits from Houghton Point to Long Island and out to the Apostle Islands and catching Cohos, Browns and Splake. Despite the dirty water Small Mouth Fishing has begun in Sandcut. Anglers have been successful using plastics on light jigs, crank-baits, hair-jigs, and live bait. They worked slowly in 10 feet of water or less.
Scott Bretting from Anglers All reports: The Creeks are starting to clear up a little bit. there are reports of fish being caught using night crawlers, spinners and spawn as the go to bait. Nice Walleyes are being caught on the White River. Trolling on the Lake has been good for catching Browns and CoHo's. A hot bait right now is Bait Rigs Psycho Minnow, which has been an extremely popular bait. The WI opener on the Inlands brought in some nice Walleye. The water temperature is still cold as we have had frost in the morning the past few days and cooler temps. There have been some dandy Sturgeon caught on the Bay off of the Breakwater Lighthouse. We encourage catch an release on these pre-historic fish (Sturgeons) that have been 55 and 60 inches. These fish are original and among the few fish that haven't changed their profiles or genetics.