Summer Sporting Clays League Begins Wednesday, May 7th!
The Wern Valley 15-Week Summer Sporting Clays League will begin Wednesday, May 7th!
Teams consist of 4-7 shooters. The team sponsor fee is $160 and the weekly shooter fee for 50 targets is $21 (includes $2 that goes to the banquet).
The CAPTAINS MEETING will be Wednesday, April 30 at 7:30 pm. This will be for previous and new team captains to meet and discuss possible changes and new ideas to the summer league!
The Club is open for league and open shooting every Wednesday and Thursday from 12 pm-sunset and Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm!
To sign up or for any further questions give us a call at 262-968-2400 or
Hope to see you here!