COMPLETED COUNTIES: Gypsy moth spraying is almost complete for this year. Treatment sites remain in only two counties; Douglas and Washburn.
WHAT: Gypsy moth aerial spraying by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
WHEN & WHERE: Weather permitting, treatment sites in Douglas and Washburn Counties will be sprayed during the week of July 22. More details regarding spray timing will be sent when those details are known.
Maps of all spray sites are available to view online at
WHY: The spraying is necessary to control the spread of gypsy moth, a destructive and invasive pest that feeds on the leaves of oaks, maples, crabapple, birch and many other species of trees and shrubs.
Spraying can start as early as sunrise and will continue until the day’s spray plan is complete and as weather conditions allow. Spraying requires calm winds, high humidity and no precipitation.
The planes will fly low, just above the tree tops. It will be loud.
Pheromone flakes are a mating disruption product. The flakes are tiny -- about the size of a grain of rice. They are flat and green. The sticky flakes are applied at a rate of one of two flakes per square foot of tree canopy. They confuse male moths by mimicking the female moth's pheromone, which she uses to attract mates.
The insecticide is not toxic to people, bees, animals, birds or plants.
People who are uncomfortable or have allergies may wish to stay indoors or leave the area until the spraying is done. Pets or livestock may be frightened by the noise of the low-flying planes, so keep them indoors or keep a close eye on them.
The spraying does not affect organic certification.
Feel free to share this information with others.
Spray updates will be available as a recorded message on the toll-free hotline 1-800-642-6684, press 1. You also can get instant updates by connecting with us on Twitter ( or Facebook (
For more information or to view maps of the spray areas, please see the website You can also send an e-mail to