Tim Lizotte receives 2014 Land Division Supervisor of the Year and Wildlife Leadership awards
MILWAUKEE - Tim Lizotte received the Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources' Division of Wildlife Management's 2014 Leadership Award and Land
Division Supervisor of the Year Award at their annual statewide meeting.
Lizotte with Wildlife Management Bureau Director Tom Hauge WDNR Photo
Lizotte, the Southern Fox Area Wildlife Supervisor, is stationed in
Waukesha, Wis. Lizotte has been involved in numerous habitat restoration
successes during his career. In collaboration with landowners, he helped
create grassland and habit in the Glacial Heritage Restoration Area, and was
instrumental in the Rush Lake restoration effort and in the development of
the Paradise Valley Wildlife Area, which resulted in permanently protected
wildlife cover and recreational opportunities.
Lizotte is known for his excellent customer service, and helped guide
development of the Richard Bong Class I Dog Training Grounds Management
Plan. He was the wildlife program representative on a department team that
conducted a Lands Management Needs Assessment to develop a comprehensive
inventory database on existing department lands and associated facilities.
The assessment included an evaluation of resources required to manage lands
at the appropriate statutory, ecological, and recreational standards.
Lizotte also spearheaded the Effective Wingshooting
Program<http://dnr.wi.gov/education/outdoorskills/wingshooting.html> to help
improve shooting ability, and helped conduct pilot workshops and training
days throughout Wisconsin.