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Dick Ellis Blog:
Black, minority Trump supporters censored by Gannett, other media at 2020 RNC Convention. Expect the same as Milwaukee hosts 2024 RNC Convention. Look back four years Wisconsin, to compare and contrast Gannett’s corrupt coverage of the 2020 Republican and Democratic National Conventions to know what to expect July 15-18 when the nation’s eyes rest on Milwaukee, home of the 2024 RNC convention.  The DNC will showcase its conventi...
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Waukesha Truck Accessory store and service, truck bed covers, hitches, latter racks, truck caps


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Deer season is months away, but DNR staff are hard at work! Here are some important updates for Spring 2017

Preliminary CDAC recommendations open for public review and comment through April 13  

Preliminary recommendations developed by each County Deer Advisory Council at their March meetings are now available for public review and comment.

To provide feedback, use the online survey tool found at, keyword “CDAC.” The survey is open through April 13, and all results will be provided to council members prior to April meetings.  

County Deer Advisory Councils will prepare final antlerless quota, permit level and season structure recommendations during the last round of spring meetings April 17-20. Councils will consider online public input responses, other public comments and assessments from DNR biologists, foresters and law enforcement staff as they develop final recommendations.

Attend an April CDAC meeting and let your voice be heard! A meeting schedule and other helpful information can be found at keyword “CDAC” or via email by contacting

 Following April 2017 meetings, final deer season recommendations will be presented to the department and then sent to the Natural Resources Board for approval in May.  Approved recommendations will be implemented during the 2017 deer hunting seasons.

Councils use annual quotas and permit levels to manage deer in order to achieve county-specific 2015 - 2017 population objectives (increase, decrease or maintain the deer herd).


CWD samples nearly doubled in 2016 – thank you hunters!

Commitment from Wisconsin’s hunters leads to increase in CWD samples received in 2016

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources sampled more than 6,000 deer for chronic wasting disease statewide in 2016, nearly doubling the number tested in 2015. There were 447 positive detections, primarily within the endemic area in southern Wisconsin.

The number of deer sampled, analyzed and determined positive for CWD by each management zone is as follows:

  • Central Farmland Zone: 1,230 sampled, 1 positive (Portage county);
  • Central Forest Zone: 533 sampled, 4 positives (Adams county);
  • Northern Forest Zone: 578 sampled, 0 positive; and
  • Southern Farmland Zone: 3,708 sampled, 442 positives.

 In 2016, focus was placed upon deer population segments within locations deemed most likely to harbor the disease as well as other surveillance areas of interest. The 2016 CWD sampling period ended April 1, 2017. Disease prevalence is calculated for each individual surveillance area within sampling zones - for this reason, prevalence is not calculated on a statewide level.

Prevalence trends are estimated for a number of study areas in southern Wisconsin, and this information through 2016 is available at, keyword “CWD.”

DNR staff continue to work to make testing easier for hunters through the use of self-serve kiosks and enhanced communication and outreach efforts in 2016. Kiosks provide a 24/7 drop-off option for hunters to help enhance sampling numbers, provide for ease of use, and increase options in the world of electronic registration. Overall feedback from hunters during the 2016 deer season reflected an appreciation for the kiosk option.

With more samples collected in 2016, the turnaround time for hunters receiving test results also improved. The average statewide turnaround time during the 2016 deer season for test results was just over nine days (weekends included), compared to just under 14 days in 2015. The department will continue efforts to lower the turnaround time by becoming more efficient with cost and time.

For 2016 sampling and prevalence data and more information regarding chronic wasting disease, search keyword “CWD.”

DNR Continues to Implement its CWD Response Plan

 Following a review of its 15-year Chronic Wasting Disease Response Plan, the Department of Natural Resources will continue to work on existing action items and implement new recommendations received during the review process.

 To learn more about the CWD Response Plan, visit and search keywords “CWD response plan.” 

Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Study wraps up first year of trapping efforts with help from 117 landowners

Fall 2016 kicked off the early stages of the Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Study. This groundbreaking research in southwest Wisconsin stems from Governor Walker’s commitment to reevaluate chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin.

Through this study, DNR staff hope to learn more about Wisconsin’s wildlife in portions of Dane, Iowa and Grant counties. The study will evaluate factors like predation, habitat conditions, hunter harvest, and chronic wasting disease to measure impacts on deer survival and deer populations in southern Wisconsin.

As of late March 2017, GPS collars have been placed on 141 deer, six bobcats, and seven coyotes. Information gathered from this study will aid the DNR and CDACs in managing the deer herd.

This project relies heavily on cooperation from a number of volunteers – DNR staff would like to thank the 117 landowners (and counting) who have agreed to assist with this research and remind others in southwest Wisconsin to consider becoming involved as the study moves forward.

For more information regarding the Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Study and how to become involved, search keywords “deer research.” To receive email updates regarding deer research in Wisconsin, and click on the email icon near the bottom of the page titled "subscribe for updates for DNR topics," then follow the prompts and select the "white-tailed deer research" list.

And, be sure to follow the department’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for project updates and photos from the field.



DMAP continues to grow as landowners enjoy help from DNR staff to manage their land

DMAP engages landowners and hunters to balance wildlife and habitat needs on a given property.  Landowners can designate anyone as a representative for their property to allow friends or family that may not own land themselves to take the lead on habitat management. 

Applications are accepted at any time for automatic access to Level 1 benefits, including an online library of habitat and deer management resources, communication with local DNR staff, annual DMAP reports, volunteer opportunities and invitations to regional DMAP workshops.

Neighboring landowners with properties within one-half mile of each other can also explore enrolling as a group cooperative.   Group cooperatives with a combined acreage of at least 160 acres receive a site visit and management plan. Cooperatives provide an opportunity to monitor local wildlife populations and share costs and equipment on habitat projects to benefit deer and other wildlife over a greater area.

Join hundreds of DMAP cooperators as a steward of our Wisconsin land and wildlife resources - to apply or learn more about DMAP, visit, keyword “DMAP.”

 VPA-HIP program is perfect fit for landowners looking to earn some extra income

Provide public access to the outdoors in return for incentives and technical assistance – enroll in the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Programs today

The Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP), with funding from the US Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, is currently enrolling new properties in 52 eligible counties throughout Wisconsin.

Enrolled landowners can earn income through opening their property to year-round public hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife observation.

Lease rates vary by land cover, ranging from $3/acre for agricultural land, $10/acre for grassland or wetland and $15/acre for forest land. VPA leases will expire on Aug. 31, 2020. Landowners participating in other conservation programs are encouraged to apply, including:

  • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP);
  • Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP);
  • Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQI);
  • Wetlands Reserve Easement (WRE); and
  • Managed Forest Law (MFL) (closed).

Technical assistance and financial incentives are available to enrolled landowners who implement recommended wildlife habitat practices.

VPA landowners reported very high overall satisfaction with the program in 2016. Little is required for enrolled landowners beyond providing for public access. Under state statute, landowners are generally immune from liability for injuries received by individuals recreating on their lands. DNR provides compensation for damages to property or crops that occur as a result of opening land to public access.

Visit the updated VPA-HIP website to find out more information and to apply to enroll in the program. Interested landowners should contact Anne Reis, DNR VPA-HIP Coordinator, for more information at 608-279-6483 or via email at

For more general information regarding VPA-HIP, visit and search keyword “VPA.”


For more information regarding deer hunting in Wisconsin, visit and search keyword "deer."