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Black, minority Trump supporters censored by Gannett, other media at 2020 RNC Convention. Expect the same as Milwaukee hosts 2024 RNC Convention. Look back four years Wisconsin, to compare and contrast Gannett’s corrupt coverage of the 2020 Republican and Democratic National Conventions to know what to expect July 15-18 when the nation’s eyes rest on Milwaukee, home of the 2024 RNC convention.  The DNC will showcase its conventi...
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Cherish Wisconsin Delivers a Win-Win for Hunters, Anglers, and Wildlife Watchers in Central Wisconsin

By Central Office September 25, 2019

Contact(s): Anne Reis, DNR Public Lands Specialist, 608-279-6483, or Jaime Kenowski, NRF Communications Coordinator, 608-409-3113,

A Cherish Fund award will help restore wildlife habitat at Lawrence Creek, a beloved hunting, fishing, birding and canoeing spot in central Wisconsin. - Photo credit: DNR--Jon Robaidek
A Cherish Fund award will help restore wildlife habitat at Lawrence Creek, a beloved hunting, fishing, birding and canoeing spot in central Wisconsin.Photo credit: DNR--Jon Robaidek

Money from the Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund Will be Invested in Adams County Thanks to a Successful Public-Private Partnership

MADISON, Wis. - The Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund, a permanent endowment that supports Wisconsin's public lands, will make its second disbursement, awarding funds to care for public lands at Lawrence Creek Fish and Wildlife Area in Adams County. The Cherish Fund is built primarily through small donations made when patrons purchase a hunting or fishing license.

"The Cherish Fund is an investment in our future, protecting critically important public lands and waters for current and future generations," said Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin Executive Director David Clutter. "This year's distribution from the Cherish Fund will help restore wildlife habitat at Lawrence Creek, a beloved hunting, fishing, birding and canoeing spot in central Wisconsin."

This announcement comes just ahead of Public Lands Day on Sept. 28. The Lawrence Creek State Natural Area, located within the Lawrence Creek Fish and Wildlife Area, is home to a wide variety of game, non-game, and Species of Greatest Conservation Need, including American woodcock, whip-poor-will, blue-winged warbler, and a variety of reptiles and butterflies.

This project represents work done by the Natural Resources Foundation and the Department of Natural Resources to identify high-priority properties for conservation work. Work will focus on 278 acres of oak savanna, barrens and sedge meadow surrounding the Lawrence Creek headwaters. In so doing, this work will improve hunting opportunities and enhance the site's beauty and accessibility for outdoor recreation, including fishing on the Class 1 trout stream.

The Lawrence Creek State Natural Area is located within the wildlife area and includes sedge meadows surrounding Lawrence Creek. - Photo credit: Josh Mayer
The Lawrence Creek State Natural Area is located within the wildlife area and includes sedge meadows surrounding Lawrence Creek.Photo credit: Josh Mayer

"It's great to see the Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund continue to grow over the last seven years and provide opportunities to improve valuable habitat and increase quality recreation on DNR lands," said DNR Deputy Secretary Beth Bier.

This project was chosen through a grant application process that involved review by an engaged stakeholder group that included Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Friends of Wisconsin State Parks, Natural Areas Preservation Council, Pheasants Forever, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ruffed Grouse Society, Trout Unlimited, Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative, Wisconsin Conservation Congress, Wisconsin Waterfowl Association and the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation.

About the Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund and Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin

Created in 2012 by an act of the Wisconsin State Legislature, the Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund is an endowment that provides a permanent source of funding to care for Wisconsin's public lands for generations to come. The fund was established to protect, restore, and improve habitat for Wisconsin's plants and animals. The Cherish Fund is an opportunity for citizens to invest in the public lands and waters where they recreate. The fund is held by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, a private nonprofit 501c3 organization.

The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin is a nonprofit organization that connects generations to the wonders of Wisconsin's lands, waters, and wildlife through conservation, education, engagement, and giving. Since 1986, the foundation has contributed more than $7.8 million to public and private conservation efforts to protect the lands, waters, and wildlife of Wisconsin.

For more information about the Lawrence Creek State Natural Area, and Lawrence Creek Fish and Wildlife Area, visit the DNR website. For more on Cherish Wisconsin visit For more on the Natural Resources Foundation visit

Last Revised: Wednesday, September 25, 2019